Monday, September 13, 2010

We are Launching this weekend...

Wow what started out as a blog to record the journey to the Launch of a church, comes to a head this weekend. WE ARE LAUNCHING PORTICO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY!!!!!! To say I can't believe it is the understatement. We are sooo excited and busy ha! But it is all worth it! We have had about four services now at our building, and all have gone incredibly well. Our focus on the Word has been from the book of Ephesians... this has been great and challenging. I am just so excited to see what God is going to do. We have hurdled many things and grown in so many areas. All in what seems like a really short time. We will be here in Oregon a year on Oct 25th. Crazy! Pray for us this weekend as we Launch, it is our hearts desire to see the people of Portland have relationship with God. For God to touch this city, so it will never be the same again. Putting God in the picture changes everything.

Allison is doing great, she went back to school about a week ago and she loves it. I am so proud of her. She challenges things head on, it is so good.

Please pray for Portland and for its people, God is breathing life here... it began a long time ago and we get to be a great part of it. Pray for people to be drawn to us and to Portico so we can give them the hope that is within us.

Please continue to pray for us for strength and wisdom to fulfill the purposes of God as we serve people. And financially... Mark lost his job a few weeks ago and I can't get one. I am starting to clean houses again and just did one today. Please pray for more clients for me so we can bring in some more income.

Thank you we appreciate you. Love and blessings


  1. Mark, we are so excited for you and Tracy and all that God is going to do in Portland. We will be praying for you in Maricopa and Chandler. Great things are in store for you my friend. Be blessed and give a good report!

    Pastor Bryan

  2. I sooooooo wish we could be there! I'll call and you can fill me in on how things go on Sunday. Tell your family hello!!

    Vince, Kareena, Grafton and Deko :-)
